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Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy(BCST) is a gentle touch therapy which helps the body and mind to restore health by supporting the body’s self-healing and self repairing capability. As a result of taking craniosacral therapy with me clients have reported benefits such as permanent relief from severe headaches and migraines and are able to go back to normal life,  relief/reduction of the pain in back, neck, shoulder and knee, relief from severe sciatica pain, recovery from ligament tears and muscle sprain, relaxes the nervous system. On mental level helped to improve sleep quality, they was able to reduce the dosage of sleeping pills, handle difficult emotions, relief from stress, severe anxiety, depression, relaxation and relief from abuse and trauma. Ease in pain and relaxation after chemo. CST is non-invasive holistic and works on physical, emotional and spiritual level. This is a natural process and hence there is no side effects.

The human body is continuously self organising and self regulating itself towards an optimal healthy state. The human body has evolved over a billion years and the knowledge of creating a human body is within you. Body’s intelligence can make every drug that your body needs and act as a Doctor for you, by you and treat you without side effects. CranioSacral therapy helps you to get in touch with that intelligence in your body through a gentle touch.



Hairline Knee Ligament Tear

Chhavi Dhingra, Manager Capacity – Building,
WRI India – Ross Center for Sustainable Cities

As fate would have it, I was back in a few days, this time with a hairline knee ligament tear. Doctors had asked me to wait it out, cut down on exercise and generally find ways to delay/avoid a surgery. This made me quite unhappy as I was not willing to let go of my exercise regime and to put on extra kilos. It took me only 3 sessions with Hari

Severe Tailbone pain reduced almost 40% in one session

Home Maker, Mumbai

The first time I went to Hari I didn’t know what this therapy was at all, I was in so much pain. I needed a solution, during my first session with Hari, I was very impatient to even talk, I was in no mood to discuss the medical history, etc., I requested to start the session ASAP. But what followed after the session was wonderful…

Knee Injury

Neha Ahuja
Founder, Kaashi Wellness

I had met with an injury in Toronto, the physiotherapist had said I would take at least 8 sessions to be able to walk, Hari offered me a session & I was wonderstruck, I healed on one session, I feel normal the whole day goes by without any pain, thank you Hari. My knee got healed in the first session

Back pain

Ajay Rastogi
Co-Founder & CEO at Pingal Technologies Private Limited

I recently visited the Hari Shri Wellness clinic to help me manage the lower back pain,  which was nagging me for some time. I have a desk job and I need to sit for long periods of time at a stretch. I took a few weekly sessions and it helped me tremendously to come out of the recurring pain with deep relaxation for body and mind. HariShri is clean and peaceful for treatments with professionally and punctually conducted sessions.

CST is a Holistic Therapy


On physical level the therapy works have an impact on musculoskeletal system ( tissues, muscles, nerves, fascia & bones), widely appreciated therapy for minor sprains to chronic aches and pains in neck, back, disc and joints, helps the body to decompress central nervous system, bring balance between the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digestion state) and sympathetic nervous system (fight of flight state). It also helps regulating the fluids of the body by balancing the CSF flow, drain the lymphatic fluids, circulation and regulating the hormones.


Often called as a silent psychotherapy, CST is a wonderful tool to work with depression, helpful to deal all types of deep rooted trauma(childhood, sexual abuse, difficult emotions), stress and anxiety. Body and mind are not separate entity, they are inter connected. Almost all disease in body have a psychosomatic root.

CST also brings clarity in mind, deep relaxation, improves quality of sleep, improve energy level, mindfulness. Often clients who come for long term treatment, revisits even after the treatment to experience the sense of peace, embodiment, body awareness and relaxation they gain during the therapy session.


Craniosacral therapy session is connecting you more to the SELF, deepening the experience of the body(embodiment), increases the body awareness(mindfulness), by reducing the stress it aids you to get in touch with the body’s innate wisdom & intelligence.  Your body has all the information that is needed. Thus regularly taking therapy will help you getting in touch with the deepest wisdom within. Your body is the most important tool tangible to work easily to enhance the quality of life.

How does Biodynamic CranioSacral therapy works ?

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy(BCST) is a gentle non invasive, holistic touch therapy. Our body and body’s intelligence is constantly striving to keep us more healthy. When you got a cut, the  wound gets healed on its own, the tissues grow by its own or when you ate something that doesn’t suit your body, the body eliminates it as fast as possible. Similarly, the body is capable of dealing with all physical and mental ailments. Appreciating how the human body strives for health, and how health is expressed as coherence, connection, and a pulsing flow  as a rhythm is the skill of cranial work.  

The craniosacral system has a natural rhythm and it is expressed throughout the body.  The therapist is trained to touch and listen the Craniosacral rhythm(health), its quality, its state by the gentle touch. If there is any disease or restriction it can affect the rhythm. The support offered by therapist are:

  • Gentle touch and non judgemental listening
  • Creating a safe therapeutic space
  • Mindfulness and embodiment
  • Creating a safe therapeutic space
  • Knowledge about the human body
  • Knowledge about mind, body and pain
  • Resourcefulness
  • Relational field 

All these  helps the client’s system to reveal the restriction and patterns, understand the restriction, acknowledge the health, and reorganise back to its healthy original state. It helps the client to increase body awareness and the body’s intelligence helps the client’s system to take the right action and lead a self healing process which have a profound effect in both body and mind.

This happens naturally and our body strives to attain this state. When the therapist creates a therapeutic safe space with touch, awareness, listening to the restrictions of health and expression of health, it takes place in a conscious and effective way.  That’s the beauty of Biodynamic work, which brings in wonderful permanent change in health  by releasing stress, trauma and pain from the mind and body. The client’s social nervous system(which senses the environment and alerts the autonomic nervous system about safety and danger) helps the body to feel safe and bring a balance in the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system(parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for rest, repair digest and revival, where the healing happens). This is the natural process of healing and hence there is no side effects.

Your body gets more relaxed, breath slows down, regulates the cardio vascular system. The fluid in the system get balanced (CranioSacral Fluid, lymphatic system, circulation, hormonal secretion), stress and strain stored in the musculoskeletal system gets released(tissues, muscles, fascia, tendons, nerves, connective tissues). It helps the body to relieve the symptoms and also address the root cause.  

Human body has evolved over billions of years and it has access to that knowledge always generally referred as inbuilt wisdom called or body intelligence.  Your body is created from a single cell, with the help of this wisdom, its still a wonder how and what initiates the different stages of growth in an embryo. You have access to this creative intelligence and it can take you back to the original health. CranioSacral therapy helps you tap this innate intelligence/wisdom within you and restores the original health. Every individual is continuously thriving to be healthy  through the internal mechanism, when the restricted health is listened (through touch), the body is able to release it. When there is a dis-ease, there is a certain amount of potency locked up and working against your self organising nature to hold this disease, when its released it makes you feel more energetic, alive and lighter and enables you to lead a pain free, stress free life

Haridas R, Proprietor, Hari Shri Wellness Clinic

What happens during the therapy ?

The client will be lying down comfortably on a therapy table, fully clothed. The therapist will be starting the session by gently touching  the feet, based on the understanding of health from the touch. The therapist then gently touch and holds at different parts of the part of the body which needs to be addressed with the mutual consent of the client. The duration of the therapy is 45 minutes to 1 hour. The therapist will be maintaining a therapeutic space by-

  • Gentle touch
  • Non judgemental listening
  • Mindfulness 
  • Verbal interaction

CST is a non invasive therapy and hence there is no side effects. The therapy acknowledges the holistic health of body, mind and soul.

Benefits of Biodynamic CranioSacral Therapy 

Neck & Spine issues

An effective therapy to help minor to major neck pain, back pain and spine related issues . It helped many people to achieve relief/reduction, better recovery and long lasting relief  from pain due to slip disc, multiple sclerosis, ligament damage, muscle sprains, spondylitis etc.

Musculoskeletal issues

Craniosacral therapy has impact on releasing stress and fatigue in the tissues, muscles, nerves, fascia  and bones. Thus had helped people in wide varieties of issues like chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, joint paints, sports injury, issues due to dental work and TMJ. 

Stress & Depression

The power of non judgemental listening and the ability to balance the sympathetic and para-sympathetic mode in our Central nervous system helps the body to let go of the stress stored in and the embodiment helps the client to find new anchor points to health. Which results in improved hormonal levels and better health physically and deep relaxation mentally.

Migraine, Sciatica & Insomnia

The Session helps to decompress the Central nervous system thus brings relief in migraine, headache, sciatica, it often improve the quality of the sleep, recovery from Jet-lag.

Abuse & Trauma Relief

Trauma due to severe injuries, relationship & financial issues, abuse or the repeated day to day struggle to live, often leaves deep trauma stored in the body and mind. Most illness has its root as stress & trauma. CST helps the client to release these deep imprints & resulting into over all well being.

Babies & Mom

During pregnancy the body undergoes many changes this can be difficult both physically and mentally, CST helps to ease the process, reduces mental stress and physical pain. Makes the delivery easier increases confidence. Post delivery helps both mom and baby to recover fast from pain and trauma. Helps with babies latching problem, colic issues, and any impact on the baby due to physical intervention during the birthing process

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The 5 senses and thinking ability are all present in consciousness. So each cell of the body has the potential ability to perform all the functions of the senses. When someone says something; you are all ears, you are listening from every cell of your body. There is the expression “looking from a 1000 eyes”; one is all eyes. All cells are made of the same tissue, each DNA has the ability of all functions of the body

― Sri Sri Ravishankar

Go deep – means to contact the hidden blueprint of intelligence and change it—only then can visualization of fighting cancer, for example, be strong enough to defeat the disease. But most people cannot do that; their thought power is too weak to trigger the appropriate mechanisms.

― Deepak Chopra

“Your brain does not manufacture thoughts. Your thoughts shape neural networks.” 

― Deepak Chopra

Go deep – means to contact the hidden blueprint of intelligence and change it—only then can visualization of fighting cancer, for example, be strong enough to defeat the disease. But most people cannot do that; their thought power is too weak to trigger the appropriate mechanisms.

― Deepak Chopra

When someone else makes a mistake, it is their responsibility to correct it, but it is your responsibility to handle how you feel about it.

― Deepak Chopra

In your true nature, you are free the moment you see it’s not in you. If you have a pain, observe it’s happening in the body. If there is tightness or joy in your mind, observe that it is tight, sad, unhappy or happy. Just observe that you are not enjoying, and it is happening elsewhere, as though it is happening elsewhere

― Sri Sri Ravishankar

What alternative medicines call as “Body intelligence” is “Cosmic Intelligence”, Cosmic intelligence is the inner guru who works to awaken our internal Wisdom.

Individual intelligence grows through aligning itself with cosmic intelligence that is its source. This happens not by mere study of books, but by studying nature and, above all, by observing oneself.

― David Frawley

A human body is an exquisite pharmacy it makes every drug that a drug company makes, in better quality, at the right dose, to the right target organ with no side effects, definitely cheaper, you have access to it anytime and all the instruction are there in the packaging. Its evolved over billions of years.

-Deepak Chopra

Contact Us-

Hari Shri  Wellness Clinic
1046, First Floor,
Heera Panna Mall, Powai
Mumbai, India 400076
Call +91 8104 700 550 | +91 9920 900 301
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Hari Shri Wellness Clini

1046, First floor, Heera Panna Shopping Center, Near lake front Solitaire, Powai, Mumbai, India

Mob +918104700550